HCFRC Materials & Resources
The 2024 wildfire season in Eastern Oregon was one of the most intense in recent history, with over 200,000 acres burned across multiple fires. Land managers, fire professionals and community members are reflecting on the season and asking, what worked, what didn’t, and how do we improve for the future? March 26, 2025
How Rangeland Fire Protection Association volunteers and federal and state agencies worked together to fight the wildfires of the summer of 2024. October 16, 2024
The sun beats down on a group of young adults, nets in hand, as they wade through a cool stream
in the Malheur National Forest. To the casual observer, it might appear they're simply enjoying a
summer day in nature. But these individuals are part of High Desert Partnership's summer crew. This summer, HDP assembled its largest crew ever—eight members split between stream and
habitat teams that provide monitoring support to the Harney County Wildfire Collaborative, the
Harney County Forest Restoration Collaborative and the Harney Basin Wetlands Collaborative. September 18, 2024 -
High Desert Partnership's Summer Monitoring Crews play an important role in furthering collaborative work in Harney County. September 13, 2023.
The goal is to be as prepared as possible well ahead of the upcoming wildfire season. June 7, 2023
It's been a relatively wet April and May in Harney County but there's more to the story.
For those that call Harney County home, the Malheur National Forest is an essential part of our identity. It’s where we work, live, recreate, and so much more. As such, our relationship with the forest is storied and multifaceted.
According to researchers, the American West is experiencing a 22-year megadrought—the driest conditions it’s seen since the 1500s. Nearly 73% of the entire U.S. West—a group of nine states—and 76% of Oregon are in severe drought. In Harney County, all but a slither is in extreme drought. March 2022.
Harney County Forest Restoration Collaborative takes areas of conflict and seeks to find common ground. The collaborative was created in 2008 and works in cooperation with the Forest Service through the Emigrant Creek Ranger District to foster forest restoration projects that will earn broad support. February 2022
Creative entrepreneurs are using natural resources in renewable/sustainable ways. February 2022.
Meet Josh Hanson, High Desert Partnership's Forest & Range Ecological Coordinator supporting the Harney County Wildfire Collaborative and the Harney County Forest Restoration Collaborative.
While the 2021 wildfire season was predicted to start early thanks to drought conditions in Harney County, Jeff Rose, District Manager for the Bureau of Land Management in Burns, said those predictions didn’t really pan out. While fire crews stopped several wildfires from spreading with initial attack, the 2021 fire season saw fewer fires than normal.
The Harney County Restoration Collaborative has been working for the last ten years with the Emigrant Creek Ranger District to create forest treatment prescriptions that help bring back a 'fire tolerant' forest.
It was a hot, dry summer, creating extreme drought conditions for the majority of Harney County. This in turn negatively impacted hay production, rangeland health and cattle operations as well as wildlife and the area’s waterways. September 2021
Fire experts in Harney County weigh in on science behind fire behavior.
Interactive map detail of what this project entails.
Management and Restoration
This US Forest Service fact sheet answers questions about harvesting timber in regards to the Blue Mountains Forest Plan Revision.
An article addressing issues raised by James Johnston regarding restoration treatments and spatial pattern on the Malheur National Forest.
Spatial patterns and processes on the Malheur National Forest and how they might relate to collaborative group prescriptions and future research.
A meta-analysis of many studies that examines fuel treatment effectiveness after a wildfire has occurred.
A report by the Nature Conservancy on the importance of restoring aspen stands in the dry forests of Eastern Oregon and the role collaboration plays in making this happen.
This report discusses the positive impacts that collaboration has had in Wheeler, Grant, and Harney counties.
Biomass and The Economy
Brief summaries on each topic that was covered at the summit.
A look at the ability of communities and service providers in Eastern Oregon and Northern California to capture, leverage, and develop resources.
What is forest biomass, how utilization is better than wildfire, and what the emissions look like.