Everyone Is Welcome At The Table
Progress happens when we all work together. At High Desert Partnership, our secret sauce is people collaborating and bringing their diverse perspectives to the table.
High Desert Partnership collaboratives include: local residents; ranchers and farmers; members of the Sovereign Nation of the Burns Paiute Tribe; employees; businesses; business owners; nonprofit partners; government agencies; tourists; conservationists; policy makers and anyone who shares our love and concern for Harney County.
“HDP put a tremendous amount of investment and time into building relationships early on. They reached within and outside the community, and that was mutually beneficial. Having the right people in the right roles and knowing the right way to interact with the community is critical.” ~Dustin Johnson
Partners with High Desert Partnership and the Collaboratives it Supports
- Blue Mountain Forest Partners
- Bureau of Land Management
- Burns Paiute Tribe
- Business Owners
- Ducks Unlimited
- Eastern Oregon Agriculture Research Center
- Foundry Collective
- Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
- Grayback Forestry
- Harney County Chamber of Commerce
- Harney County Court
- Harney County Department of Human Services
- Harney County Economic Development
- Harney County Soil and Water Conservation District
- Harney County Watershed Council
- Intermountain West Joint Venture
- Iron Triangle LLC
- Lomakatsi Restoration Project
- Malheur Lumber Company
- Natural Resource Conservation Service
- Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Oregon State University
- Oregon Wildlife Foundation
- Bird Alliance of Oregon
- Private Land Owners
- The Nature Conservancy
- The Wetlands Conservancy
- Treasure Valley Small Business Development Center
- U.S. Forest Service
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- U.S. Geological Survey
- Western Environmental Law Center
Funders of High Desert Partnership and its Collaboratives
- Bureau of Land Management
- Business Oregon
- Harney County
- Intermountain West Joint Venture
- Kauffmann Foundation
- Leupold + Stevens Foundation
- Meyer Memorial Trust
- National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF)
- National Forest Foundation
- Oregon Community Foundation
- Oregon Humanities
- Oregon State University
- Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB)
- Rita Poe Memorial
- The Ford Family Foundation
- U.S. Forest Service
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- USDA Agricultural Research Service
- Wilburforce Foundation
- *AND, many generous individuals
A special note, many of the photos you see throughout this site have been taken by some talented photographers:
- Jeremy Hill, jhillimages.com,
- local rancher Susan Doverspike,
- Portland Audubon Eastern Oregon Field Coordinator Teresa Wicks, and
- Dan Streiffert.