Vision for the Future
The long-term vision of Harney County Forest Restoration Collaborative’s work in the southern Malheur National Forest is to:
- create greater wildfire tolerance,
- sustain diverse forest ecosystems,
- increase economic capacity by supporting new and emerging market opportunities, and
- improve the ability to rehabilitate the forest on a landscape scale.
Goals and Priorities

Volunteers with the Harney County Restoration Collaborative on a field trip in the Malheur National Forest.
- Restoration of forest health and the return of natural ecosystem processes.
- Enhanced social capacity to solve problems in ways that build and sustain desired environmental, economic, and community conditions.
- Development of a working draft of desired future conditions and agreement on how to get there.
- Enhanced and improved community economic resilience.
- Improved efficiency and efficacy of federal, state, and local agencies to carry out their missions.
Desired Outcomes
- Infrastructure capable of utilizing wood products from restoration activities, increasing contractor capacity, and restoring local communities and social health.
- Local economies benefit from year-round jobs related to restoration, forest management, generally, and other ecosystem-based goods and services.
- Industries are appropriately scaled to a local, sustainable supply of wood materials, as determined through collaborative efforts.
- Sustainable fiber supply is valued by the community as an important asset associated with proper forest management.
- Supply is steady from year to year and fulfills minimum needs to sustain community infrastructure.
- Citizens show pride in the forest they are stewarding and are recognized by those outside the area as being good stewards of the land.