Janelle Wicks, Director of Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

As Director of Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Janelle Wick's work is expansive. "The work I do spans every conceivable aspect of managing a small conservation focused non-profit which serves the mission to promote the conservation and appreciation of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge through outreach and education, advocacy, and on-the-ground stewardship. I’m an event planner, project coordinator, communications manager, partnership liaison, volunteer manager, and fundraiser so that we have the financial resources to support our work."
Janelle, originally from rural Pennsylvania near Lake Erie, moved to Oregon in 2013 and began her work with Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in 2018. "I was one of three being raised by a single mother in rural Pennsylvania near Lake Erie. I had no concept of what the world had to offer, just that there was more and only education would help me find it. I knew I liked being outdoors, despite how little I was exposed to nature and outdoor experiences. As a middle schooler I learned about endangered species and fell in love with manatees and decided I was going to help save them. From then on only a degree in marine biology made sense. Once I was in college it occurred to me that I could easily manage a dual concentration to expand my knowledge, experiences, and eventual career options." Janelle ultimately finished her education with a degree in Biology in Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology.
Janelle is passionate about her work, she would tell you: "my work is my life and my life is my work" and when time permits she brings her perspective to the Harney Basin Wetlands Collaborative table: "The wetlands collaborative is such an interesting group of diverse backgrounds, experiences, interests, and knowledge all coming together for a common purpose. I appreciate the intention that goes into every conversation and the consensus driven decisions."
Outside of work Janelle is a mom to twins, two dogs, a cat, rabbit and 6 chickens. It's an adventurous life and one in which she "loves to lay in a hammock in the woods, explore a museum, knit, or enjoy a beer . . . sometimes more than one of these things at a time"!
*The Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge are celebrating a quarter century of stewardship to Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. In honor of their 25 years they are hosting a monthly speaker series on the first Thursday of each month. Visit malheurfriends.org to learn more; past presentations can be found on Malheur Friends YouTube Channel.