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People Who Collaborate

Erin Toelle, Burns High School Principal & Burns High School and Hines Middle School Athletic Director

"Any time we can make a positive change in a student's life is a big one for me." Erin Toelle is the Principal for Burns High School while also the Athletic Director for Burns High and Hines Middle School. Her education career began in the classroom in her hometown of Prineville, OR. In 2015 she moved with her husband to his home town in Harney County and initially took a 5th grade teaching position at Slater Elementary. "Harney County was not what I was expecting, but my husband grew up here and assured me I would come to love it, and I certainly do now. The small town life and community is hard to beat." 

After spending time in the community Erin returned to school herself for continuing education which prepared her for when she was encouraged to apply for administrative positions.

Erin's days are filled with "a lot of planning, organizing, listening, collaborating, meeting with a number of parents, community, staff, students and others. She also participates with the Youth Changing the Community Collaborative: "I am always in conversation on how we can make our schools better; the internships (Harney Internship Program) have been a massive game changer for our kids and community".

In addition to her administrative roles Erin has also coached a number of sports so you'll often see her at student's sporting events. And, when not working for the school district, "any free time that I can find is spent with my husband and three year old little boy. Which means we are typically outside doing anything we can think of to wear him out faster than he can us".