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Josh Hanson
Forest & Range Ecological Coordinator

Josh grew up in a small western Oregon town but developed a passion for arid landscapes during high school which led him to pursue a B.S. in Animal and Rangeland Sciences at Oregon State University. During and after his time at OSU he briefly worked on ranches in Oregon until moving to Montana and graduating from Montana State with a M.S. in Animal and Rangeland Sciences. His M.S. at MSU was focused on grazing post-fire and the effects on soil health in Ponderosa Pine savannas. Travelling to different parts of the country for work and school has exposed him to different ideas and practices to help him understand there are multiple ways to accomplish one task. He enjoys seeing working landscapes that are productive and beneficial for all stakeholders involved. Josh brings his work experience, education, and motivation of building new connections to support the Harney County Forest Restoration Collaborative and the Harney County Wildfire Collaborative.

Away from work, Josh enjoys braiding rawhide, dancing with his wife Julia, hunting and spending time with family and friends. He is thankful to be in Harney County and hopes to buy some property where he can run a few cows down the road.

Contact Josh at