Donna Schnitker
Board Member Elect
Early Childhood Center, Head Start Harney County, Director
Board member elect since 2016
Donna decided to join the High Desert Partnership this year because she liked the concept of bringing people together to accomplish a common goal. Collaboration is very important to her and is something she takes part in daily for her job. Donna has spent the past 23 years working in education and with the families of young children. Prior to working in education, she was an administrative assistant in the business world for companies in Arizona, California and New Mexico. Donna has worked for a ranch operator and her husband is a rancher. Her experiences in education, business and ranching give her a varied background and unique perspective, which make her a very valuable board member.
Donna is passionate about making young children and their families successful. She is very proud that she was able to help build the Harney County Early Childhood Center from the ground up with grant dollars so that it is now completely paid for. She is currently the state president of the Oregon Head Start Association and serves on several state committees around early learning issues. In the rare moments when Donna isn’t busy, she loves to knit, cook gourmet meals, and garden. Music is a passion of hers and she play the piano and is learning the hammered dulcimer.